Sunday, February 27, 2011


LITTLE JOE: Born - February 25th. Little Joe is quite small BUT, not the smallest sock monkey I've made. He is sweet to have around and very mild mannered - which is great to see when you deal with so many monkeys. Little Joe does like my sour chews though and every time I step out of my room, he searches for my stash. I'm on to you Little Joe - monkey prints in my sour chews is a dead give away...
SOLIEL: Born - February 26th. Soliel came in a bag from my brother and his lovely fiance Kate. To date, this is the smallest sock monkey I've made however, I'm sure someone will find even smaller socks in which to torture me with. Soliel is so bright and colorful, what other name could she have possibly been given? It suits her well - good choice Kate!
LITTLE JOHN: Born - February 27th. Little John is of course Little Joe's brother. They come from a large family so expect to see more "Littles" appear. Little John loves to whistle and has a large collection of "Roger Whittaker" records which he plays over and over to annoy his brothers (and me I'm sure...). One day he hopes to join Roger on stage and whistle a duet of "Cotton Eyed Joe". Wait... is Roger Whittaker even still alive? I should check in to that....

Author's note: Roger Whittaker is still alive. I sent a request on behalf of Little john to meet and plan a show time together. As of today, there has been no reply...

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