Wednesday, May 2, 2012

WHOA! I haven't posted in a month!! SORRY!

Folks, to you I extend my deepest apologies as I see I haven't "blogged" in a bad. I would like to offer up many excuses BUT, that would be pointless as truthfully, blogging has had to be at the bottom of my priority list this past month and therefore I really don't need a list of excuses. Sometimes, life just gets in the way and all the other details that are enjoyable, relaxing and a "sanity necessity" tend to be pushed aside.
Well, I am here to say that while the craziness of my life shall continue, I will be more vigilant in doing the things that I enjoy doing - like my Sock Monkey blog! Besides, the Sock Monkeys were starting to form a union as so many of them have come and gone and their individual bios are not up. I almost had a mutiny on my hands. Little bastards....
ANYWAY, for the next few weeks, more than one set of bios will be posted at a time so I can catch up and make these Sock Monkeys happy before I'm slapped with a lawsuit of some kind. Enjoy reading, hopefully laughing and if you feel the urge, please comment.

Hemi - Not your usual, somewhat average Sock Monkey. Hemi is actually quite intelligent and has read just about every encyclopedia I have on my bookshelf. I swear he could go on Jeapordy and win a million dollars. OR, he could just be a walking Sock Monkey of information that everyone needs in their home. Might drive you a little crazy having a freakin' know-it-all around but hey, he'd be a good partner for Trivial Pursuit.
Gatsby - Pretty much the opposite of Hemi, Gatsby is NOT the brightest bulb in the pack if you know what I mean. The driveway ain't paved all the way to the end of the road.... HOWEVER, Gatsby has the best smile going and can cheer you up when you're in the worst of moods. Who cares if he can't spell his name, his smile and good nature makes up for the head full of stuffing....

These three wonderful sock monkeys have just discovered how to use the phone and make prank calls. Not such a bad thing except when they keep calling the same person over and over again. Not such a bad thing except that person happens to be my mother. Not such a bad thing except my mother doesn't get the whole "Is 'Mike Hunt' there?" thing. Not such a bad thing except when my mother calls and tells me she's had a string of calls from someone looking for "Mike Hunt". Yup, everyone's a comedian....

Magoo was voted the "Least Likely to Produce" and to this day has lived up to that title. Though he has a crush on Ikoe (who is three times his size) it is not likely the two of them will "hook-up" and have any offspring in the near future...or ever....I think Ikoe is cool with that but Magoo has his issues. Move on Magoo.
Bach - named of course for the 17th century composer (and the fact that he has musical notes all over him), Bach is tone deaf and couldn't sing or play an instrument to save his life. Hopefully it will never come down to that. Perhaps he could try yodeling, I hear there's good money in yodeling somewhere in the Himalayas. Hmmmmmm.....
Sprocket usually wears a pair of underwear on his head but I made him take them off for the picture. Sprocket needs to not wear underwear on his head. He looks stupid. Maybe a paper bag will be better - then he could draw a face on it! Now that sounds like fun. Gotta go, I'm getting my markers and a paperbag out....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sprocket! Never mind her, you look great! For those days that she absolutely will not let you wear your topside underwear, I have a paper bag here for you. I drew underwear on it! :)
