Sunday, January 27, 2013


VALENCIA: January 2013. Valencia is a regular fixture at the local Monkey Tail Bar and you can find her hanging out on the 3rd set of lights over the pool table. Most of her time is spent making fun of the people who attempt to play pool and really have no idea what they're doing. I can't begin to tell you how many light fixtures have been broken as angry humans swing their pool cues at her after she's let out a string of not so nice comments. To date, no one has made contact with her and the end of their pool cue  but, I'm sure when it happens it won't be a good scene...
STARDUST: January 2013. I know, I know, not a very original name considering there are stars all over this sock monkey. However, I believe I have made close to 650 sock monkeys now and sometimes names don't come easy. Stardust doesn't seem to really care. He was actually hoping for something more exciting like "Starstruck" or "Starkiller" but when it came right down to it, Stardust was the most appropriate and fit his character well.
TWEED: January 2013. Tweed smoked weed after he peed and planted a seed to fulfill his need of more weed. Pretty clever hey?
Author's note: Absolutely NONE of my sock monkeys smoke weed. Well, that I know of anyway....

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