Tuesday, October 9, 2012


EMMETT: October 2012. Emmett has issues with carving turkeys. It was Thanksgiving this past weekend here in Canada and we had a rather large turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. As soon as my husband grabbed the knife to carve the turkey, Emmett lost it. I'm not talking lost it in a postal kind of way, but lost it as in "woofed his cookies" all over the kitchen floor. This of course started a chain reaction of vomiting and by the end of the evening, no one ate the damn turkey and I spent most of the time on my hands and knees cleaning up "woofed cookies". BUT, I am still thankful. Extremely thankful for a strong stomach and Mr. Clean...
CLOVER: October 2012. Clover never made it upstairs for the Turkey dinner. He knew Emmett was here and opted not to have a repeat of what happened last Thanksgiving. Maybe Clover should have for warned me. Perhaps next year it will be rabbit we eat for Thanksgiving...
JIGSAW: October 2012. Jigsaw actually made it upstairs. His only words out of his mouth before he lost his cookies were "Oh no, not again!" I think Sock Bunny's are mildly retarded and need to remember to let people in on the whole "Emmett will lose it" thing.
Author's note: Okay, did not mean to offend anyone with the whole "losing their cookies" thing AND the whole "Sock Bunny retarded" thing. Sock Bunnies don't have brains people so they can't be retarded. They're just idiots.

1 comment:

  1. A repeat of last year? Some things continue to go unresolved don't they?
    I would like you to clear up one mystery though. The question that many are thinking but to polite to ask. Well you know me well enough to know there are very few boundaries...... so I will ask the question that all of you woosies out there are too chicken to ask the bunnies....
    What kind of cookies??
