Friday, July 8, 2011


CHERRY:Born - July 6th. Cherry grows cherries on her orchid farm in sunny southern B.C. These cherries are not only the BEST tasting cherries you'll ever taste but, they are also the largest. One cherry alone can feed a family of 4 and still give you leftovers. No one knows how Cherry managed to produce these giants and she's not giving away her family secret, but I think she stole DNA from a giant and rigged it to work on her cherries. That's my guess....
JOANNA: Born - July 7th. Joanna likes scissors. She has massed a HUGE collection of scissors that date back to the early 1600's. Brass, copper, silver and gold - she has them all. You seriously can't move in her house for fear of being impaled by a pair of scissors - not even joking! THEN, she actually RUNS with scissors, several pairs at a time!It's crazy! We call her "Joanna Scissor hands"...that's usually when she starts chasing us...with scissors...

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