Sunday, March 10, 2013


MOOSE, QUAMI & KEZIA: March 2013. So there I was in the Zellers at Grande Prairie, which just happened to have a "Going out of Business" sale and I found myself in the little girls section checking out what was left of the socks. Absolutely nothing. Apparently socks are a hot commodity in Grande Prairie and Zellers sold out of their socks within hours. Okay, I just made that up, they probably sold out in days. As I left the little girl section of Zellers and headed towards the door to the rest of the mall, there in someones cart were these three pairs of socks - along with other items BUT, it was the socks that caught my eyes. I looked around to see if there was an owner to this cart and not seeing anyone close by, I figured it was fair game. Hey - don't judge. YOU should try shopping at a "going out of business" sale and see what you do for an item. ANYWAY, I of course did the right thing and grabbed the socks, ran to the checkout counter, paid for them and shoved them in the bottom of my "Suzy Shier" bag. Then, without looking back, I got the hell outta there. The last thing I remember was some woman looking around her cart for a missing item and trying to console her crying daughter, who was probably spoiled anyway and didn't really need those socks (at least that's what I tell myself, it helps me deal with the guilt).
So my friends, I am now a criminal and Moose, Quami and Kezia are pretty much accomplices in some twisted way. The moral of this story? Never leave your cart unattended at a "going out of business" sale. There's some pretty crazy people out there.... 

1 comment:

  1. Sniff, sniffle, sniff :(

    THAT WAS MY CART! I had fought hard for those! Ended up wrestling a lady in leopard spandex pants! My eyes are still burning from when she had me in a scissor lock! But for you my friend, yes YOU, I found the inner strength to overcome the scissor lock and escape! I tucked those socks in the bottom of my cart and was very pleased with myself and looking forward to surprising you with these little cuties! But NOOOOO..... some evil little Zellers Troll came along and snatched up my prize! I was devastated. I have been searching for patterns similar to those since. Well search no more! The Zellers Troll has come forward!

    Kind of a twisted tale, but then again.......... so are you!
