Thursday, March 31, 2011


March Collection

Alejandro (such a good sport...)
 Another month has come and gone and I am happy to introduce you to my March collection! This month was a little hectic as I travelled for work and Broomball and was away a little over half the month. Actually, being away that long and in different places gave me a chance to gather a number of really funky socks which I am anxious to get started on. Have no fear though, I had my trusty "monkey bag" and every where I went, it went with me, full of monkey pieces. I'm sure the cleaning crew in all the hotels had to wonder what kind of butchering was going on when they came in to clean my room....
All in all, this month puts me at 90 completed monkey's (well, a few more if you count the monsters, trolls & goblins and extras I make for friends).  Only 275 more to go!
Thank you to my faithful readers who comment on my bios - it's good to know someone is out there reading. I truly hope they put a smile on your face for the day. Keep reading, sending in socks and let the monkey mayhem continue!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


OLIVIA: Born - March 29th. Olivia is one of the kindest Sock Monkeys you'll ever meet. She likes to shake tails with everyone she meets, will do anything to help a friend out - even clean your clogged toilets if required. My theory on Olivia is that she's really not kind and took that old saying "kill them with kindness" a little too literally. I'd be careful asking Olivia to help drain your pipes...
BUGSY MALONE: Born - March 30th. Bugsy Malone is NOT named for the 1976 movie "Bugsy Malone". If you look closely at the above picture, you'll see his eyes are made from ladybug buttons - hence the name Bugsy Malone. Having mentioned the movie though, I understand that Bugsy got his hands on one of the original "splurge guns" from the movie. You remember those - they don't shoot bullets but cover the victim in cream instead. Bugsy Malone loves this and uses banana cream pie for the filling. He's a huge hit at college frat parties....
APOLLO: Born - March 31st. Apollo doesn't have much of a story. He simply exists to go through life each day as quietly and peacefully as possible. Once in a while he may actually speak but only if you've talked first. It's not that he's shy, he simply has nothing to say. He works quietly at his cubicle and rarely interacts with his co-workers. Some Sock Monkeys think he's a perfect candidate for going postal one day. Hmmmmm, guess we'll have to see.....

Sunday, March 27, 2011


DUKE & ISAIAH: Born - March 27th & 28th respectively. These two brothers live peacefully in a small cottage on the outskirts of Wellington, New Zealand. Duke and Isaiah have a unique job which they both love and excel at. These two Sock Monkeys spend their work day searching for needles in haystacks. I know what you're thinking. What kind of no brainer job is that and WHO actually searches for needles in haystacks? Let's take a moment and think about Sunday dinner. Your mouth is watering as you've been smelling that New Zealand leg of lamb slow roasting all day.  You've set the table nicely, used good china, invited your family over and you're about to eat. You cut into your piece of lamb, mmmmm....smell the garlic and rosemary. You slather on the gravy or mint jelly, bring it to your mouth and start chewing. All of a sudden you're screaming in pain as something sharp has just cut the inside of your mouth and is about to travel down your throat but gets lodged inside and you start to choke. This causes mixed emotions from your family around the table (some may want you to choke...just saying...) and there's fear in your eyes as you realize you may be taking your last bite of lamb ever! ANYWAY, this all happened because the leg of lamb you've eaten belonged to a live lamb from New Zealand who happened to eat hay from a haystack that unbeknownst to him, had needles in it!! NOW, my point is, all this would not have happened had Duke and Isaiah been on the job and searched that haystack for needles. Any more questions?  I think not.....

Saturday, March 26, 2011


MAYA: Born - March 25th. Maya idolized an actress named Catherine Schell, who played "Maya" on the 1970's sci-fi show, "Space 1999". Her character could transform in to all these really cool creatures - usually at a critical point in the show - at which point she'd save someone or help solve a problem. She also had funky dotted eyebrows and weird looking sideburns. While Maya the Sock Monkey can't do any of that, she founded the fan club "Junior Shape Shifters" and has a fantastic website devoted to Catherine Schell (Maya). You can check it out at .
ANGUS: Born - March 26th. Angus is Maya's boyfriend. He doesn't quite understand her fascination with "Space 1999" but will sit through her collection of re-runs for hours just to be with her. He also answers the fan mail from the above mentioned website and writes back to everyone personally. To date that covers about 11 people.... Angus helps with any merchandising and promotional stuff and generally runs the website for Maya. Angus will pretty much do anything to make Maya smile. Now that's love!!
Author's note: Another bogus website BUT if you feel inclined to check it out (like I did), it will take you to "Shapeshifters vs. Junior Jack Lola's Stupid Disco" which, if you take the full 8 minutes and watch it to the end, is a really cool dance song!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


NIXON: Born - March 22nd. Nixon is running for President of the United States in the year 2016. He feels his name alone should be all he needs for the Sock Monkey population to rise up and vote him in. Part of Nixon's campaign is to get rid of any taxes associated with importing bananas from all over the world. I think it's a fabulous idea - one can never have too many bananas... Nixon, you have my vote!
PEPPER: Born - March 23rd. Pepper is from the smaller sock monkey species commonly known as "Smallkeys". You've already met a few of his friends in previous bios who are of the same species.  Though they are small in size, don't let that fool you. Pepper is famous for wrestling one of the crocodiles that got out in the "Great Sock Monkey Massacre of '82" and saved many lives that day. He came away with all his parts still intact - we don't talk about what was left of the crocodile....
STANTON: Born - March 24th. Stanton likes to crochet. Not hats, nor scarves or throw blankets, but the cute little doilies you find in old peoples homes. He sits all day on his couch and crochets hundreds of these things in all colors of the rainbow.  Not only does he make them and sell them at craft fairs, but he donates them to Old Folks Homes across Canada. Stanton was raised by his grandmother who loved doilies and had them scattered throughout her house. Hence his love for crocheting doilies.

Author's note: I mean no offense to old people and their love for doilies. I'm sure there are plenty of young people out there who decorate with them as well. Yup, doilies are the newest craze. Hey - you heard it here first....

Sunday, March 20, 2011


EPSTEIN: Born - March 19th. Epstein's named for my favourite "Welcome Back Kotter" character. C'mon people! Who didn't love Juan Epstein and his glorious head of hair? Not to mention all those classic notes he would bring in signed by "Epstein's mother". While Epstein the sock monkey doesn't have that crazy hair, he is rather adept at writing notes. As a matter of fact, for a small price (or a banana daiquiri or two), Epstein will write a note for you if needed...
BO: Born - March 20th. Bo is tiny. She has been the brunt of many short jokes but takes it all in stride. Bo's philosophy is that "good things come in small packages." This helps her in situations where she has to crawl into small, dark spaces to help people find lost articles. Anytime something rolls down a vent or gets stuck in a crack, Bo is there to help. She is currently working with the FBI on their lost and found cases and has solved over 172 open files. You'd be surprised how many things fall through the cracks...
HAILEY: Born - March 21st. Hailey is made from a pair of knee high socks and therefore has fabulous long legs. This works to her advantage as she is an excellent basketball player. Hailey dreams of landing a spot with the Harlem Globe Trotters and bringing basketball to small communities all over the world. For now, she works at her job cleaning the tops of refrigerators for short people. Though it's not her dream job, it is rewarding when she walks by the fridge and sees a clean top. You can hire her by calling 1-800-8FR-IDGE.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


FRANKLIN: Born - March 16th. Franklin LOVES the children's book series and TV program "Franklin". You know, the one about Franklin the turtle who lives in a house and goes to school with his friends "Bear, Rabbit & Beaver". So here's Franklin's question to me today, "Why are all the animals named after their species except for Franklin? Why isn't he named 'Turtle'?" Good question Franklin. Why isn't he named Turtle? Is this some sort of mind game the author is playing with little kids? Does the author have something against turtles? Are all the bears called 'Bear'? Who writes this stuff?
PAT: Born - March 17th. Pat - NOT short for Patrick or Patricia, just Pat. Born on St. Patricks day, does not mean you have to be a fan of green beer and kissing the Blarney Stone (although, I'm told if you give Pat enough beer he'll kiss any stone you put in front of him). And Leprechauns? Four leaf clovers? What's that all about? No, Pat does not have time for St. Patrick's day malarkey. He does have time for a mean game of Patty-cake though and will more than likely smoke you at it...
CELESTE: Born - March 18th. Celeste lost all her money in a game of Parcheesi against her best friend Luna. It was a long time ago and the one-time best friends have never spoken to each other again. Celeste feels Luna cheated when she sent her 3rd pawn back to home base seventeen times.  Seriously,  seventeen? I think Luna cheated too... Celeste doesn't play board games anymore and just a tip, don't mention Parcheesi around Celeste. We still haven't got the cement galoshes off the last sock monkey who did.

Author's note: If the author of "Franklin" happens to read this, it wasn't me asking the questions and I don't think you can take a Sock Monkey to court... Also, I have absolutely nothing against St. Patricks Day. Pat does.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


BUNNI: Born - March 13th. Bunni's favourite color is purple. You'd never know it but her house is purple, her car is purple, her high heels are purple, even her stuffing is purple. Of course Bunni is pink and this confuses people when she goes on about the color purple. Most of them tend to walk away after the first half hour but if you stick it out, you'll find Bunni very persuasive and in the end, you're favourite color will be purple too.
AVA: Born - March 14th. Ava is one of the softest Sock Monkeys around and prides herself on the ability to soothe anyone who touches her. As a matter of fact, while visiting the psychiatric ward at the local hospital, Ava was able to calm 90% of the craziest sock monkeys around. The other 10% went a little nuts when they touched her and tried to tear her apart, bit all the orderlies and ran amuck until the Doctors could round them up using electric shock waves. Ava was asked not to visit the psychiatric ward again...
CHOPIN: Born - March 15th. Chopin used to write piano concertos for the Royal Ballet in London and would sit in the Queens box with her Royal Highness. He was paid unbelievable amounts of money for his music and was loved and respected in the high society of London. Chopin decided he had enough and started to write pop songs for groups like Wham, Rockapella and Uh-Huh (just to name a few). Chopin was never given credit for their songs and ended up broke and selling  copies of "Piano for Dummies" from the back of his pick-up truck. Why he has never gone back to Concertos for the Ballet is a mystery to us all....

Author's note: Chopin is a pair of socks my wonderful friend Bev found and handed over to me. They are piano keys and I debated on cutting them up for a monkey or just wearing them around because they're cool.  The monkey won (as you can see) and Chopin came to be. Thanks Bev!

Monday, March 14, 2011


BAXTER: Born - March 10th. Baxter got caught in a snow storm when he was quite young and froze the tip of his tail. Everytime he goes out in the cold, his tail twitches and sends him into fits of giggles. Not such a bad thing, unless you are caught completely unawares and out of the blue some Sock Monkey starts jumping around giggling like a lunatic. If you have a weak heart, avoid Baxter at all costs...
PETRA: Born - March 11th. Petra used to race cardboard boxes at the "Annual Box Racing Festival" in Blueball, Pasadena. Her last race ended badly as she crashed into 4 other competitors on a downhill turn. Nobody was seriously hurt but it was apparent Petra had been drinking and driving. When the debris was sorted through and a bottle of Banana Schnapps was found in her still intact glove box, Petra was suspended from racing cardboard boxes ever again. Poor Petra....
NANCY: Born - March 12th. Nancy is another sweet and mild mannered Sock Monkey (you don't hear of them too often). She works as a Story Teller for the local Sock Monkey Library and spins tales to Sock Monkeys of all ages. Her favorite story is "Jack and the Dryer Monster" in which her hero must battle the evil Dryer Monster that eats socks and leaves humans baffled as to where their other sock went when they both went in to the dryer together. Interestingly, there is no conclusion to this tale as Jack never finds the Dryer Monster to slay and humans are still baffled...

Friday, March 11, 2011


LEOPOLD: Born - March 7th. Leopold is a world renowned Orchestra Conductor and has decided to try his hand at writing symphonies. His first attempt is an Opera about an Orchestra conductor who falls in love with a Kettle Drum player.  Unfortunately, as most Operas, the ending is quite sad when the Conductor loses control of his baton and it whips across the Orchestra and takes out the Kettle Drummers left eye. Thus ending any chance of a love match...
ENRIQUE: Born - March 8th. Enrique is a Spanish speaking Sock Monkey who rambles on in his language about the "Spanish Inquisition". He insists that his great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather's best friend's Uncle's duck, was slaughtered to feed some of the  Monarchy involved in the confiscation of his property. Enrique was told that the duck put up quite a fight before his untimely demise.To this day, Enrique won't eat anything that goes "quack".
BROOKLYN: Born - March 9th. Brooklyn is a young teenager Sock Monkey whom loves her parents, respects them, never argues, always does what she'd told, works hard at school, never complains or makes demands, helps with chores, keeps her room tidy and organized and in general, has a cheerful and sweet disposition that everyone loves. No flaws in this one!

Author's note: I think I was stoned on T3's when I wrote Brooklyn's bio. I was hallucinating and had possibly gone beyond the realms of reality - which of course, in my life, is not a hard thing to do....

Sunday, March 6, 2011


PHILLIP: Born - March 4th. Phillip is the monkey behind the adjustable spray nozzle on your Windex bottles. Before he came around, every time you sprayed the bottle, the cleaning solution would go everywhere (except where you needed it to go). Now however, with Phillips brilliant invention, you can set it to "jet" or "shower" even "massage" if you wanted. These are important things people and we should applaud the spray nozzle inventor. You rock Phillip!!
BEBE: Born - March 5th. Bebe is yet another small sock monkey donated and named by Kate - my soon to be sister-in-law. I think she takes pleasure in finding small socks for me....Bebe is so cute though how can I complain? She is all cuddled up to Ming in the above picture and loves snuggling with everyone. Seriously! One morning I rolled over in bed and damn near smothered her! How she got up the stairs and into my bed, I'll never know...
MING: Born - March 6th. Ming hails from "Humptulips, Wash." and used to work as a rodeo clown. It wasn't her first choice for work but when you're starving, you'll pretty much do anything for your next banana shake. Ming actually enjoyed the rodeo life and still insists on wearing her old clown outfit now and then. Wearing it to Bridge night at the Old Sock Monkey Home wasn't the wisest thing though. Caused alot of panic attacks among the elderly...folks rocking in the fetal position... Guess clowns aren't overly appreciated.

Author's note: I appreciate clowns. They aren't as creepy as those marionettes. Those are just plain freaky. Kinda cool to watch someone manipulate them and work them in a play, BUT, seriously, they are what nightmares are made of....scary stuff.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


STRIPES MAGEE: Born - March 1st. Stripes Magee hails from Sherwood Park, Alberta where he plays the bag pipes in the local punk rock group "Orange Peel in the Ditch". No, he doesn't wear a kilt on stage. The last time he did, some crazed sock monkey jumped on stage and tore it to shreds. Not a great moment for Stripes as everyone knows bagpipe players wear nothing under their kilts....
SEYMOUR: Born - March 2nd. Seymour once tried his hand at stand up comedy at the local club "The Monkey Tail". It went well unitl he broke into knock-knock jokes. His favourite being "Knock, Knock" "Who's there?" "Seymour" "Seymour who?" "Seymour of me naked!!" at which point he would strip down to his ginch and do the Sock Monkey happy dance on stage. Seymours career as a comedian was short lived.
HOWIE:  Born - March 3rd. Howie lost his tail in the "Great Sock Monkey Massacre of '82". He was on the tailless Sock Monkey Committee for the longest time until he had ground breaking surgery for tail replacement. This was the first of it's kind and involved a slightly crazy lady, a needle, some stuffing, thread and a pair of scissors. After a brief recovery period, Howie was back to himself and swinging from chandeliers - I mean tree branches, in no time.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


BARKLEY - NOT a sock monkey. Barkley is from the "sockmonstobia familia" which is Sock Monkey Latin for Sock Monster. Barkley is made from mis-matched socks and wears a T-shirt as he's shy around females and doesn't like to expose his monsterly chest. He lost his eye in a Kayaking accident - one should never be gaming while trying to maneuver a kayak through a set of rapids... As he only has the use of one eye now, his drivers license was revoked and Barkley can no longer participate in the annual "Sock Monster Truck Rodeo". So much for winning the gold 3 years in a row. He also lost out in the "Can Label Reading" contest this year, damn near broke him...
Does Barkley get depressed over his misfortune though? NO! Barkley just moves on to new adventures and possibilities. As a matter of fact, I just helped him submit an application to "Hand Gliding Mt. Everest". Look for him on TSN this spring - maybe he'll make it on the blooper wheel...

Author's note: I meant it in the kindest way about the blooper wheel..... seriously Barkley, I think you can do pretty much anything you put your eye to...OOPS! I mean MIND to...